Heinävaaran osakaskunta

Fishing licenses for Heinävaaran osakaskunta can be found here. There are available all the licenses except for fishing crabs which is allowed only to local people and licenses for it are sold on Seo Heinävaara.

Please notice that you need to pay the national fishing license if you are over 18 but under 65 years old.

Heinävaaran osakaskunta belongs to Joensuu and there are many small waters such as Jukajärvi, Iso Valkealampi, Kastelampi, Kivilampi and Ukonlampi. The water areas of Heinävaaran osakaskunta are devided to Kitee-Jänisjoki’s ja Orivesi’s economical fishing areas.

As head of the fishing area operates Jussi Hoffrén, phone: +358 (0) 400 217 009, email: jussi.hoffren(at)aaninen.fi. Information about the sold licenses is delivered to local fishing guards.

Current but wider fishing restrictions can be checked on this service, Kalastusrajoitus.fi.

Map of the fishing area (11.10.2020)

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